Sunday, December 2, 2012

Update! Dr. Jillmarie Murphy comes to speak about literature and attachment theory!

Here are some pictures from our Brown Bag event on November 14th when Dr. Jillmarie Murphy discussed her book Monstrous Kinships.  Dr. Murphy is an English and American literature professor at Union College.  At the event she discussed realism and attachment theory in the 19th and early 20th century novel.  Some examples of literature she presented are Frankenstein, Maggie:  A Girl of the Streets, Lolita, Pierre or the Ambiguities, An American Tragedy, and Jude the Obscure.  It was a great presentation that connected literature and psychology and now we all have some great novels to add to our reading lists!  One of Dr. Murphy's most interesting points was that much like psychologists, literary figures also want to find the truth of what motivates people in society.  She quoted Anna Freud: 
"You asked me what I consider essential personal qualities in a future psychoanalyst. The answer is comparatively simple. If you want to be a real psychoanalyst you have to have a great love of the truth, scientific truth as well as personal truth, and you have to place this appreciation of truth higher than any discomfort at meeting unpleasant facts, whether they belong to the world outside or to your own inner person...You ought to be a great reader and become acquainted with the literature of many countries and cultures. In the great literary figures you will find people who know at least as much of human nature as the psychiatrists and psychologists try to do.

Our final brown bag of the Fall semester will be this Wednesday 12/5, 11:30-1pm in Ed 335.  Our fellow ed psychies will discuss the results of the department's alumni survey.  Hope to see you there!

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