Sunday, December 2, 2012
Hurricane Sandy School Supply Drive
Update! Dr. Jillmarie Murphy comes to speak about literature and attachment theory!
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Bowling and Fundraising at Playdium
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Brown Bag Event: "Readiness to Deal with the Unexpected"
Sunday, October 14, 2012
My Involvement Student Group Challenge Winners!!
Other announcements:
Our first Brown Bag of the Fall 2012 semester is coming up this Wednesday 10/17/12 in ED 335, from 11:30 to 1pm. See the Save the Dates section for more details!
October is community service month and we've made a personal group goal to increase our community service hours this year. Some of our awesome members volunteered at the Alumni Association's Annual Homecoming 5K Run/2.5K Walk at the Fallbany event on campus yesterday 10/13/12. The proceeds benefited UAlbany Cancer Research Center's Fund for Memory and Hope. More pictures from the event are posted in our photo section but here are some goodies:
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Therese Huston - Teaching What You Don't Know Well
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
MyInvolvement Student Group Challenge
The Ed Psych RGSO has entered into the Student Group Challenge on MyInvolvement. 1st place prize is $400, 2nd place $300, 3rd place $100 to be used by the RGSO for future events. We need to update our site on MyInvolvement and get as many people to join and use the site as possible! So if you haven't already please join by going to the following link: If you've never been on MyInvolvement before you might have to register and create a profile first but then make sure you join Educational Psychology and Methodology Graduate Student Organization! And start posting on the wall (e.g. introduce yourself and say hi!).
As part of the challenge we need to create a header image/logo/banner that will appear at the top of our MyInvolvement page (much like a Facebook cover photo). If you would like to submit a banner please email it to me at by October 1st! You will be helping us meet the criteria for the 1st and 2nd place prizes of the Student Group Challenge if we have multiple banners. The dimensions are as follows:
Image size limits: 960px x 150px (if smaller, image will be left justified)
File size limit: 100KB
Supported file types: JPG (RGB only), PNG, GIF
We are open to any and all ideas that represent the Ed Psych program/RGSO!
Monday, September 3, 2012
Labor Day
Last week our division held the Welcome/Welcome Back Orientation and it was great to see so many familiar faces as well as meet many of the new students! 30+ people - including faculty and students - were in attendance and I hope everyone will continue to come to these events!
We held our division RGSO elections at the orientation and I would like to extend congratulations to the following Ed Psychies who have been elected as the 2012-2013 Ed Psych RGSO officers:
President: Angela Lui
VP: Mary Beth Arcidiacono
Secretary: Hirah Mir
Treasurer: Jenna McLain
Justin Chase
Holly Meredith
Jessica Lamendola
Shufen Wang
Fusun Sahin
They are being put straight to work as the first RGSO meeting of the semester is being held tomorrow! Looking forward to a great year working with you all :)
Last but certainly not least, at the orientation we talked about an exciting ITLAL event coming up that I urge everyone to attend if they can! Therese Huston is coming to UAlbany on Thursday September 20, 3:00-5:00pm, and also Friday September 21, 10:30am-12:00pm. She is the author of the book: "Teaching What You Don't Know" which is an excellent resource for graduate students and professors about university teaching and learning. The Thursday event is geared more towards graduate students while the Friday event is more for faculty, but you can attend either/both! Regardless of your status and experience and how long you've been in the Ed Psych program, you should check it out! In order to attend, you have to register first through the ITLAL website. Here's the link to register:
Spots may fill up quickly as we anticipate this to be a popular event so sign up ASAP!
Monday, August 27, 2012
Welcome and Welcome Back!
To all new students: welcome to the Educational Psychology and Methodology Division! We are thrilled to have you here! To all returning students, welcome back! Hope you've all enjoyed your summer "vacations" and are ready to tackle this new semester :).
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Vote for Nan Qiu for GSO's MCAA!
Brown Bag #4: Tiger Mom's Revisit with Dr. Joan Newman and Dr. Dai
The Educational Psychology and Methodology Graduate Student Organization
Brown Bag Speaking Series Presents:
Tiger Mom's Revisit
The book, "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother" provoked hot discussion on issues of parenting, begging the question, "Is tough parenting really the answer?
Join Drs. Joan Newman and David Dai as they revisit this controversial topic and how it relates to cultural parenting practices.
Thursday, April 19th, 2012
5:30pm to 7 p.m. Education Building 335
If you have any questions please contact Mary Beth Arcidiacono
Light dinner will be provided.
Your GSO Funds at Work!
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Brown Bag #3: Academic Writing with the Saddlers!
Academic Writing:
Things that make you say, "hmmmmmm?"
Are you puzzled by aspects of the writing process?
Do you have questions about publishing or simply need some pointers on the uniqueness of academic writing?
Join our Brown Bag Discussion on Academic Writing
Presented by
Dr. Bruce Saddler and Dr. Kristie Saddler
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Education Building 335
If you have any questions please contact Mary Beth Arcidiacono
Monday, March 19, 2012
Brown Bag #2: Advancing and Assessing Collective Knowledge Online with Dr. Jian Wei Zhang
The Educational Psychology and Methodology Graduate Student Organization Presents:
Advancing and assessing collective knowledge online
Wednesday, March 21th, 2012
11:30 am to 1 pm
Education Building 335
Jianwei Zhang, from ETAP, explores technology-enabled learning designs to engage students in sustained, creative knowledge work. A set of new research and assessment tools, such as knowledge forum has been developed to examine collaborative knowledge building online. Come and enjoy this fantastic Topic!
Light refreshments will be provided.
Please contact Mary Beth Arcidiacono if you have any questions!
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Brown Bag #1: Future Peer Reviewers
The Educational Psychology and Methodology Graduate Student Organization Presents:
Future Peer Reviewers
Wednesday, March 7th, 2012
11:30 am to 1 pm
Education Building 335
How's your research going?
Do you have any issues that are stumping you?
Need to figure out your next step?
As one another's future "peer reviewers",
let's help one another solve some of these difficult questions.
Join us to informally discuss the progress of your research,
get feedback on your next step,
and offer input and assistance to your peers.
Bring your questions, concerns and helpful suggestions.
Light refreshments will be provided.
Note: Faculty is ALWAYS welcome, however this will be a student driven brown bag.
Your GSO Funds at Work!