Monday, December 5, 2011

Grant Writing Brown Bag--Inspirational and motivational

Hello All,

Last Wednesday's Brown Bag on Grant Writing presented by Drs. Bruce Saddler, Kristie Saddler, and Debi May, with valuable added comments from Dr. Frank Vellutino, words of our RGSO president "informed, encouraged and inspired the students" with their expertise, experience, and enthusiasm on this topic. Unfortunately, I was not able to take any pictures of this wonderful event, but I think all can agree, the information shared with us that day is much more valuable.

That said, seeing that many students were not able to make it to the event, and with the motivation and inspiration accumulated from the presentation, I have taken the liberty to create a little overview of what I have gathered and understood about grant writing. It is taking me a bit longer than expected to finish this, but please check back in the next week or two, and a link will be provided!

Thanks Drs. Bruce Saddler, Kristie Saddler, and Debi May for an exceptional, information-filled presentation, and thank you Dr. Frank Vellutino for sharing your words of wisdom!

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