Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Brown Bag #1: Future Peer Reviewers

The Educational Psychology and Methodology Graduate Student Organization Presents:

Future Peer Reviewers

Wednesday, March 7th, 2012

11:30 am to 1 pm

Education Building 335

How's your research going?

Do you have any issues that are stumping you?

Need to figure out your next step?

As one another's future "peer reviewers",

let's help one another solve some of these difficult questions.

Join us to informally discuss the progress of your research,

get feedback on your next step,

and offer input and assistance to your peers.

Bring your questions, concerns and helpful suggestions.

Light refreshments will be provided.

Note: Faculty is ALWAYS welcome, however this will be a student driven brown bag.

Please contact Mary Beth Arcidiacono if you have any questions!

Your GSO Funds at Work!

EdPsy Students and Turkas presented Babies!

Greetings Fellow Ed Psychers,

Thanks to the Turkish Student Association, we have pictures from our Movie Night presenting Babies! Please check them out by clicking here!

Looks like there were lots of great fun and delicious food...sad I had to miss it! To those who have gone, please share what you guys thought of the movie, and/or your discussions on the multicultural perspectives on parenting styles and family values here or on our facebook page!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Ed Psy Facebook Page!

Hello All,

We have a facebook page! A more convenient way to get updates on events and activities, but more importantly, a place to ask questions, share information and provide/receive support.

Please go ahead and add yourself to the group: Ed Psy Students @ UAlbany. We are aiming to populate the group with n=100 by the end of this week!