Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Dr. Dai News Feature

Dr. David Yun Dai, a division faculty, is featured at the home page of UAlbany Web site for his study in China as a Fullbright Scholar.

The UAlbany news story states that "Dr. Dai is conducting teacher surveys on inquiry-based learning in China as part of the country's educational reform efforts. Dai, an associate professor in the Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology, will meet with more than 50 senior high school principals who are pioneering a new round of curriculum reform in China. Dai will share his experiences and perspectives on U.S. education reform, as well as discuss implementation, obstacles and other potential issues."

Full story can be found at http://www.albany.edu/news/release_4973.php?WT.svl=image

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

2008 Fall Outing

Educational Psychology 2008 Fall Outing
Apple-picking, Hiking, and a BBQ!

What: Apple-picking, hiking, and a BBQ for faculty, staff and students to get to know each other better
Where: Indian Ladder Farm and Thatcher Park
When: Sunday, October 19, 2008 12:00 – 4:00pm
Rain date: Sunday, October 26, 2008 12:00 – 4:00pm
Cost: $2 per person. Kids free.
Family/Friends/Pets welcome!

For new and returning students interested in being a part of the mentoring program, this will be a great opportunity to get to know your mentor/mentee!

RSVP by e-mail to Kim Westcott at kw947132 AT albany DOT edu
Please include:
o Are you coming to the outing?
- How many guests?
o Carpooling (will you need a ride or can you offer a ride?)
o Would you like to participate in the mentoring program?
- As a mentor or a new student?

Joann Orologio will be collecting money for the event in ED233.

Sponsored by the
Educational Psychology and Methodology RGSO
Your GSO funds at work!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Fall 2008 Events

Sept 17 Wed
“Current Research at the Evaluation Consortium”
Dr. Dianna Newman
11:30am – 1:00pm, ED 335

Oct 8 Wed
“Ego Depletion and Motivation”
Dr. Mark Muraven, Associate Professor, Dept. of Psychology
11:30am – 1:00pm, ED 335

Oct 19 Wed
2008 Fall Outing, Apple-picking, Hiking, and a BBQ
Indian Ladder Farm and Thatcher Park

October 29
“Building your Vita: How to make the most of your time in Graduate School”
Dr. Kristie Asaro
11:30am – 1:00pm, ED 335

November 5
Roundtable: “Language and Literacy development in Head Start children”
Haiyan Zhang
11:30am – 1:00pm, ED 335

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

EdPsy RGSO Officers

Georgia Brooke, President
Joan Swanson, Vice President
Laura Ficarra, Treasurer
Asil Ozdogru, Secretary (Fall 2010)
Fei Chen, Representative
Ximeng Li,
Stella Li,
Victoria Coyle,


Beth Ochal, President
Matt LaFave, Vice President
Kim Westcott, Treasurer
Alex Wind, Event Coordinator
Asil Ozdogru, Webmaster
Yehan Zhou, Representative
Yifei Ding, Representative
Shuyi Guan, Representative
Georgia Brooke, Representative
Kristina Mycek, Representative

Kim Westcott, President
Alex Wind, Vice President
Kristina Mycek, Treasurer
Asil Ozdogru, Webmaster
Bethany Ochal, Representative
Weimiao Fan, Representative
Stella Xian Li, Representative

Tony Leonardi, President
Kristina Mycek, Vice President
Jason Bryer, Treasurer
Asil Ozdogru, Secretary
Haiyan Zhang, Representative
Bita Behforooz, Representative

Kristie Asaro, President
Asil Ozdogru, Vice President
Lai-Lei Lou, Representative
Bita Behforooz, Representative

Asil Ozdogru, President

Temi Bidjerano, President
Asil Ozdogru, Vice President

Sarah Torok, President

John Hitchcock, President

Danielle Kassow, President
John Hitchcock, Vice President
Felix Fernandez, Treasurer
Sarah Torok, Secretary
Yoonok Kim, Representative
Joseph King, Representative
Katerina Passa, Representative

Sunday, May 4, 2008

GSO Awards EdPsy Students

UAlbany Graduate Student Organization (GSO) awarded Educational Psychology Students with the "2008 GSO Most Professionally Enriching RGSO Award" for organizing various educational and academic events, collaborating with various GSO committees and university offices to improve programming capacity and quality, and utilizing creative ways of outreach and advertising.

EdPsy RGSO president Tony Leonardi (R) and vice president Kristina Mycek (L) received the award from Dr. Ray Bromley, Director of the Office of International Education, at the GSO End-of-Year Gala and Award Ceremony held at a cruise on Hudson River on Sunday afternoon of May 4th, 2008.

EdPsy RGSO thanks GSO and the award committee for their decision and looks forward to organizing more activities to contribute to UAlbany community.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Spring 2008 Events

Jan 30 Wed
Brown Bag: Anna Valtcheva
11:30am – 1.00pm, ED 335

Feb 13 Wed
Brown Bag: “Putting rubrics to the test: The effect of a model, criteria generation, and rubric-referenced self-assessment on elementary school students' writing”
Dr. Heidi Andrade
11:30am – 1.00pm, ED 335

Feb 27 Wed
Brown Bag: Roundtable
11:30am – 1.00pm, ED 335

Mar 12 Wed
Brown Bag: Amanda Nickerson
11:30am – 1.00pm, ED 335

Apr 9 Wed
Brown Bag: Roundtable
11:30am – 1.00pm, ED 335

Apr 23 Wed
Brown Bag: “Literacy and social-emotional interventions for Head Start children”
Dr. Kevin Quinn
11:30am – 1.00pm, ED 335

May 7 Wed
Poster Session
11:30am – 1.00pm, ED 335

Alumna Faculty

After successful completion of her PhD in educational psychology, former EdPsy Students president (06-07) Kristie Asaro is appointed as a visiting assistant professor in the Division of Special Education within the Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology starting Spring 2008 semester.

Dr. Asaro’s research looks at students with autism spectrum disorders and strategy instruction. Classes she teaches are ESPE 560 Introduction to Human Exceptionality, ESPE 564 Participation in and Study of English Language Arts and Social Studies Program, ESPE 565 Participation in and Study of Math, Science and Technology Programs, ESPE 580 Practicum: Teaching Students with Disabilities, ESPE 650 Educational Environments for Preparing Students with Disabilities to Meet the Learning Standards: Childhood and Middle Childhood Levels, and ESPE 680 Internship: Teaching Students with Disabilities at the Childhood and Middle Childhood Levels.